Lloyd Instruments has developed a jig for the Taplus texture analyser to test the stickiness of cooked sheets of pasta.
The stickiness of the pasta sheet is related to its starch content, which in turn is related to the cooking temperature and time.
Measuring pasta stickiness allows these parameters to be optimised.
The cooked pasta sheet is mounted between the Taplus base table and a rectangular plate containing a rectangular hole.
A matching rectangular probe is used to apply a uniform compression force to the pasta sheet through the hole.
The force required to withdraw the probe is then measured.
The probe may be held in contact with the pasta sheet for a predefined time before withdrawal, if required.
The tests can be configured and controlled using Nexygenplus texture analysis software.
In addition to a library of industry-standard texture analysis (including stickiness) and other tests, Nexygenplus features a range of other facilities.
These include user-defined test creation, data collection, reporting and exporting of test data, video and still picture capture, test data security and audit trails, and test automation and customisation.