UVP has released a fully-integrated turnkey Anesthesia System that immobilises small animals in order to take pictures with the Ibox imaging system.
The system is compact, portable and safe for animals.
Janelle Batman, product manager, said: 'The system is easy to set up and small animals are temporarily immobilised and ready for imaging in less than five minutes.' The Anesthesia System combines several components to regulate and administer a combination of oxygen and isoflurane gas to the animal.
The initial anesthesia is performed in the induction chamber.
The animal is then moved to the warming plate inside the Ibox darkroom.
The plate generates uniform temperature conditions that maintain a safe body temperature of the animal during the imaging process.
A breathing device on the plate connects to valves that control the gas flow through the nose cone to protect the animal and technician from over exposure to gas.
The breather incorporates multiple ports to accommodate up to three mice.
The Ibox system facilitates the quick image capture of the animal.
While imaging is performed, it is important that there is no movement of the subject.
The Anesthesia System used with the Ibox allows the animal to use less anesthetic thus reducing stress and potential side-effects from longer imaging times.
The Anesthesia System has passed rigorous testing by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and creates a safe environment for laboratory staff.