Mole Genetics has introduced a further two applications for its Genemole automated DNA extraction system.
The Genemole is able to handle up to 16 samples per run using sealed Molestrips.
The instrument's range of applications has been extended to include DNA extraction for genetic testing of familial hypocholesterolemia (FH) and low resolution HLA tissue typing.
For genetic testing of FH, genomic DNA was extracted from 200ul EDTA blood.
The elution volume was specified at 200ul.
In this case, Genemole gave an average DNA concentration of 22 ug/ml and an A260/A280 value >1.8.
Test results then showed that the resultant DNA was free of PCR inhibitors and suitable for amplification and sequencing.
In developing the HLA application, genomic DNA was extracted using Genemole from 200ul of whole blood with ACD as the blood anticoagulant.
HLA-B low resolution and HLA-DR low resolution analysis was performed.
The results obtained were equivalent to using DNA extracted by manual salt extraction.