An article describing a Foss-pioneered standard for analysis of fibre in feedstuffs has been accepted for publication in the Journal of AOAC International.
The article entitled 'Gravimetric Determination of Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF) and Lignin (ADL) in Feed: Interlaboratory Study' has been written by Dr Jurgen Moller of Foss.
It describes the method behind the new global standard for ADF and ADL that has recently been approved by CEN and ISO (EN ISO 13906:2008).
The article is scheduled for publication in the January/February 2009 edition.
The method described in the article is based on the AOAC Official Method 973.18.
This makes it possible to use a globally harmonised standard protocol for the determination of Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF) and Lignin (ADL) and opens up the opportunity to use the ADF and ADL parameters for labelling purposes in international trade.
Moller said: 'The standard enables official bodies to require fibre guarantees on livestock feed labels and it enables international trade on basis of a harmonised protocol.' Acid detergent fibre is a good indicator of digestibility and thus energy intake.
In many countries, the parameter is complementing or replacing crude fibre.
The protocol is also used for the determination of protein quality, acid detergent insoluble protein or nitrogen, that is, the protein that is not accessible for digestion.
The standard is also important for the ISO 17025 accreditation of laboratories using the Foss Fibertec system and for the development of NIR prediction models.
Laboratories no longer need to worry about the validity of their methods - by following the standard, the results will be valid worldwide.
The Fibertec instrument is an optimal solution and was used at 18 of the 22 labs involved in the inter-laboratory study.
The Journal of AOAC International is regarded as the 'main' information channel for the latest in basic and applied research in the analytical sciences related to foods, drugs, agriculture, and the environment, with contributions from leaders in the fields of chemical and biological analysis.
It includes fully refereed contributed papers on original research on new techniques and applications, collaborative studies, authentic data of composition, studies leading to method development, meeting symposia, newly adopted AOAC approved methods and invited reviews.
On the basis of the AOAC Official Method 973.18, a collaborative study for the determination of ADF and lignin ADL in animal feeding stuff using six animal feed and forage samples as blind duplicates was performed, involving 22 participants from seven countries.
The samples analysed covered a range from 3.5 to 70 per cent ADF and from < 1 to 20 per cent ADL.
Repeatability standard deviations ranged from 0.27 per cent to 0.95 per cent ADF and from 0.08 per cent to 0.59 per cent ADL.
The reproducibility standard deviations ranged from 0.56 per cent to 2.44 per cent ADF and from 0.52 per cent to 2.09 per cent ADL.
Analysed samples comprised clover and grass silages, soymeal, cattle feed, wheat and sawdust.