Gene Oracle has announced the launch of the Geneios system, a complete solution for creating synthetic genes in a single day.
The company has created a software suite and reagents package that enables researchers to design and make genes up to 1kb in size.
Geneios provides an alternative to expensive gene synthesis service companies and makes the process as quick as PCR.
Making synthetic genes de novo from DNA sequence information provides researchers unprecedented design freedom.
In comparison, existing gene construction methods typically requires input DNA from a natural source (i.e.
chromosomal DNA); this severely constrains the starting point for design and also requires the subsequent modification of the DNA sequence to make the gene useful in research investigations.
Typically, a synthetic gene encodes for the complete amino acid sequence of a protein and is made by assembling overlapping oligonucleotides to yield the desired full length sequence.
However, the lack of robust algorithms and software, and the complexity of protocols to convert reagents into the final DNA sequence have limited the use of synthetic genes such that researchers typically defer to expensive service-based companies for this product.
The Geneios (gene information operating system) includes a software application that incorporates expertise in three critical design parameters: the upfront analysis of the input sequence, the performance optimisation of the gene and the creation of a set of optimal oligonucleotide reagents for one-step gene synthesis.
Gene Oracle also provides a complete reagent package, including high-quality oligonucleotides and enzymes, which enables the researcher to assemble a complete synthetic gene in a single reaction and then clone it directly into a preferred vector.
Until now gene synthesis has been an expensive and time consuming process, provided by a small number of service-based companies.
Geneios includes expert design and optimisation software to allow any user to create synthetic gene constructs.
The Geneios software can be downloaded from the company's website as a 30-day trial version or as a licensed professional version.