The QMS ADP precision balances weigh to three decimal points and include GLP software and density determination capability.
There are nine QMS ADP models, all in the 110g to 3Kg range.
The models offer parts counting, percentage weighing and high and low check-weighing.
Any changes to ambient temperature outside predetermined limits will trigger an alarm.
The GLP-compliant software-package can printout and record details of the calibration.
Digital filters and suppression of the last digit on the display optimise response time and speed-up weighing operations.
A large 16-segment LCD display and sealed keypad with positive click-feel make the ADP range easy to use.
The LCD can be set to grams or carats.
The QMS ADG range of balances can read down to 0.1g.
These balances feature automatic switch-off after five minutes of non-use, as well as parts counting, high/low check-weighing and percentage weighing.
They can also be set to hold the maximum weight reading of the sample, in any of the weighing modes.
The display can read grams or Newtons.
The QMS AAA range of analytical balances includes a dual range of four to five decimal place balances and a 70g capacity semi-micro balance.
Internal motorised calibration weight is standard.
The generous proportioned weighing chamber and weighing pan make this range easy to use.