Tintometer has introduced an instrument combining the mobility of a portable photometer with the characteristics of a modern laboratory photometer.
This unit covers all the important parameters of water analysis, from aluminium to zinc.
Tintometer claims that the high level of accuracy of Lovibond reagents and the user-friendly nature of the instrument guarantee rapid and reliable analysis of your water samples.
Depending on the application, the unit will operate with tablet reagents, powder packs, liquid reagents or tube tests (16/13mm).
There are no moving parts and the Maxidirect operates with six interference filters and long-life LEDs as a light source.
The Maxidirect has a memory for up to 1,000 data sets and an optional infra-red interface enabling data to be transmitted to a computer or printer (RS 232/USB).
Applications include wastewater, drinking water, industrial process water, scientific and research, governmental and private laboratories.
Software updates are available for new methods and additional languages via the Tintometer website.
Features include automatic wavelength selection, a user interface in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian, plus storage of more than 70 methods.
The instrument is supplied with four batteries, three 24mm vials, three 16mm vials, one adapter each for 16mm and 13mm vials, plus carrying case with water-resistant foam.