HEL's Press Control offers an effective means of monitoring and controlling high-pressure and hydrogenation-type reactions.
The unit consists of a mass flow controller, pressure transducer and all the necessary valving and piping.
It is controlled though HEL's WinISO software.
Experiments can be either run at constant pressure or constant flow rate.
All of the data is displayed live and recorded into a .csv file for later analysis using Excel or a similar package.
The user only needs to connect their reactive and inert feeds to the control box.
Then a single line to the reactor and the system is ready to use.
Pressure control is a simple solution for the automation of existing high pressure reactors.
The Press Control includes: pressure control unit with mass flow sensor; temperature and pressure sensor; electronics and PC with monitoring and control software Gas feeds can be connected to the control unit and the single outlet line can be connected to a user's reactor.
In terms of data handing, the unit offers real-time display of gas uptake.
Data can be automatically saved to a data file and exported to Excel for analysis.