Porvair Sciences has published an application note that describes a method for the rapid and sensitive determination of a novel drug entity in human plasma.
Key to the high-throughput of this method is the use of the Microlute 96-well SPE system, which allows a batch of samples to be prepared for injection in less than half the time required to analyse them.
The method meets all regulatory requirements for clinical studies and is suitable for analysing large numbers of samples.
The developed method using the Microlute was validated over a concentration range of 100 to 10,000pg/ml.
Recovery using the SPE method was approximately 60 per cent and consistent across the calibration range.
The authors describe how the Microlute SPE method, unlike protein precipitation sample preparation, is free from LC/MS matrix effects that may influence the ionisation of the compounds of interest.
Porvair's Microlute offers the advantages of automated and high-throughput SPE sample preparation in a convenient microplate format capable of rapidly processing 96 samples in one go.
A copy of Application Note D can be downloaded from Porvair's website.