Craic Technologies has launched the Microspectra 10 UV-visible-NIR microscope spectrophotometer.
This system is designed to be added to the open photoport of any optical microscope to enable it to be used to acquire spectra of microscopic samples.
Depending upon the microscope's configuration, the Microspectra 10 is capable of UV-visible-NIR range spectroscopy by absorbance, transmission, reflectance and fluorescence.
Applications include quality control of LCD and OLED displays, vitrinite reflectance of coal and coke, thin-film thickness measurements of photovoltaic cells and more.
The Microspectra 10 features an advanced spectrophotometer, a colour imaging system and the interface hardware for a microscope's photoport.
The system is designed to attach to the open photoport of the microscope with a Craic Technologies universal adapter that can also be used to parfocal and parcenter the imaging system image with that seen in the eyepieces.
Such a design can add spectroscopic capabilities to an optical microscope or even be used to upgrade an older microspectrophotometer to the latest electronics, optics and software.
The Microspectra 10 microscope and software enables the scientist to analyse all manner of microscopic samples.
It features high sensitivity, multiple analytical techniques (including absorbance, reflectance and fluorescence microspectroscopy) and variable sample measurement areas.