Shortwave infrared (SWIR) cameras from Sensors Unlimited have provided NASA scientists with images that have been used to determine the presence of water on the moon.
During a mission on 9 October 2009, a NASA rocket was launched into a crater near the moon's south pole - images from the SWIR cameras showed evidence of water in the post-crash debris plume.
Two Goodrich SWIR (referred to by NASA as near-infrared) cameras were part of the payload aboard the spacecraft, along with the Centaur rocket that was hurled onto the moon's surface.
Images of the vapour and debris plume created by the rocket's impact were recorded by the SWIR cameras, and were analysed to determine the presence of water on the moon.
Because the Goodrich SWIR cameras detect moisture contrast through dust, smoke and fog, they were able to accurately record the LCROSS crash incident for precise study of the debris cloud.
SWIR technology detects reflected light at wavelengths that the human eye cannot see, in wavelength bands between visible and thermal cameras.
Use of advanced materials and circuitry allow for the cameras to be very small and lightweight, making them ideal for space travel.