Boost Labcare has announced its new microbiological air-sampling services, allowing the company to determine the bio-burden within an environmental air or compressed gas in real time.
The company has already secured a contract to conduct the testing in 10 UK operating theatres and is utilising the Mattson Garvin Air Sampler to conduct the testing.
In brief, the sampler holds a 140/150mm agar plate at a fixed distance from a precision cut slit and the plate is then rotated through 360deg for a sampling period of one hour.
The air or gas accelerates through the slit and any organisms will impinge on the agar surface.
The plates are then sent to the UKAS-accredited laboratory, SMS Laboratories, for incubation and reading, where a report is generated detailing the total viable organisms present.
Benefits: UKAS accredited laboratory (SMS Laboratories); larger surface area for more statistically accurate and reliable results; effective capture method with a validated rate of recovery; and reduced risk of double impingement.