Brookfield Engineering has released an updated version of its Powder Flow Pro automated software, which is used to control the company's Powder Flow Tester.
Powder Flow Pro V1.1 features a modified test method designed to consolidate the powder sample contained in the shear cell.
Updated data graphics and improved test formats are also provided.
The Powder Flow Pro V1.1 is available via download free of charge to customers who have purchased a Brookfield Powder Flow Tester.
With this new critical consolidation procedure, the shear-cell trough turns in repeated short rotations while a constant consolidation stress is applied by the vane lid.
This causes the powder material to settle into place, removing air pockets and achieving a low-energy state.
With the powder packed as tightly as possible, the instrument can determine the powder's failure strength by shearing the material in the lid against the material in the trough.
The new Powder Flow Pro software also features improved graphing capabilities, providing additional ways to use and manipulate data.
Powder Flow Pro calculates and displays data in a variety of formats at the end of each test and is able to overlay up to eight separate powder sample tests on a single graph for comparison purposes.