Porvair Sciences has announced that a manufacturer of ready-made oligonucleotides has standardised on its Ultravap Blowdown Station for the careful drying of its production samples.
'This important life-science customer has invested in five Ultravap systems in the US with two more on order and two to date installed in Europe,' said Steve Knight, sales and marketing manager at Porvair.
'For this customer looking to integrate a sample drying system into its production environment, the ability of the Ultravap to also automate dry down and store regularly used protocols was critical,' he added.
Designed to quickly and safely remove solvents from 96- or 384-well plates, the Ultravap Blowdown Station is a versatile tool that is proven to optimise microplate sample preparation productivity.
The Ultravap achieves high sample throughput through advanced evaporator head technology and a manifold design that directly injects heated nitrogen into each individual well of the microplate simultaneously.
The system is proven to remove most popular chromatography solvents in minutes.
For heat-sensitive and thermally labile samples, the Ultravap may be operated in a two-stage mode - combining rapid initial dry-down with carefully controlled final solvent evaporation.
The Ultravap has been designed to be simple to install, operate and maintain.
Installation simply requires connection to a gas supply/cylinder and standard mains socket.
Safety of operation is ensured as the CE-marked compact unit fits into all fume cupboards.