The M4 Tornado from Bruker Nano enables the fast and accurate high-resolution analysis of both small and large specimens and is suitable for various material sciences applications.
The instrument uses u-XRF, which is said to be the method of choice for the highly sensitive and non-destructive elemental analysis of diverse samples, including inhomogeneous and irregular-shaped specimens.
Samples require little or sometimes no preparation at all for examination.
Instrument features include: excellent spatial resolution using polycapillary X-ray optics for small spot sizes down to 25um for Mo-K; flexible excitation through the use of up to two X-ray tubes and five filters; ultra-fast spectrum acquisition with XFlash SDD technology; additional speed and information through an optional second detector; a Turbospeed X-Y-Z stage to provide on-the-fly distribution analysis; sample positioning supported by the simultaneous display of two sample images in different magnifications; a vacuum sample chamber for optimised light element performance; an Easyload function for fast and convenient sample exchange; and the reliable quantification of bulk material using a standardless FP model.
The M4 Tornado is particularly suitable for use in forensics, geology, RoHS measurements, archeometry and bioscience.
To read more about the M4 Tornado, click on the link on the right-hand side.