Warner Instruments has launched the PLI-100A pico-injector for accurate femtolitre to microlitre injections.
The PLI-100A is said to be suitable for use whether the customer needs large injections into capillaries or small injections in mammalian nuclei.
Injections are delivered through micropipettes by applying a regulated pressure for a digitally set period of time.
Pressure to the pipette is controlled precisely through a multi-turn regulator and is reported digitally for reproducibility.
Injection time is set using an optically encoded circuit, which permits fine and coarse settings from a single knob.
The timer can be controlled via the panel push button, footswitch or external trigger input.
The PLI-100A features 'balance', 'clear' and 'hold' pressure functions, which help to eliminate dilution and clogging and allow the user to fill the pipette from the tip and hold suspended cells.