New ProtoCOL 3 affordable colony counting and zone measurement system, the world's first to automatically generate antibiotic and vaccine potency analysis from count and zone data.
Synbiosis, a world-leading manufacturer of automated microbiological systems, is delighted to introduce its ProtoCOL 3 affordable colony counting and zone measurement system, the world's first to automatically generate antibiotic and vaccine potency analysis from count and zone data.
The new ProtoCOL 3 system is designed for flexibility and accuracy and can read plates of 30 - 150mm, detecting colonies as small as 43 microns and measuring zones to 0.1mm, tasks which no other automated colony counter can achieve.
Additionally, the ProtoCOL 3 system's unique tri-colour imaging method means performing challenging applications such as distinguishing grid lines on filters from colonies and counting black colonies on dark media are made quick and easy.
The system comes complete with software for basic colony counts and zone measurements.
IQ, OQ and PQ documentation is also available to allow the system to be integrated into a GMP environment.
ProtoCOL 3 can be supplied with a computer or users can utilise their own and simply install the ProtoCOL 3 software.
For full statistical analysis, they can also add Synbiosis's new European Pharmacopoeia/US Pharmacopeia compatible software to rapidly obtain potency data from their zone measurements or colony count results.
Martin Smith of Synbiosis commented: "Microbiologists want accurate automation for detecting barely visible colonies and zones".
"They also want simple set-up, the flexibility to read large and small plates, as well as the capability to rapidly generate statistical analysis from their results using just one system." Martin added: "This is challenging, but our new ProtoCOL 3 meets all these technical demands".
"We are confident that ProtoCOL 3 is now the best value for money, yet most advanced colony counting and zone sizing system and will benefit any microbiology laboratory wanting to increase their productivity."