Using the software, interaction with adsorption data is direct. Users are able to include or exclude data, fitting the desired range of experimentally acquired data points.
According to the company, interactive data manipulation minimises the use of dialog boxes to specify calculation parameters allowing accurate and efficient determination of surface area and porosity of their materials.
By moving calculation bars with the cursor, the user is updated with the new textural properties.
One-click access to important parameters allows the user to focus on the result rather than the parameters.
Screen layout has been designed to provide a user-friendly interface. Rapidly switch between a user-selectable experimental data view and traditional advanced or basic views.
Isotherms can be viewed on either a linear or logarithmic scale, available to the user under each calculation model. Many gas adsorption models are included - all using the isotherm data.
Reports include Isotherm, BET surface area, Langmuir surface area, t-plot, BJH adsorption and desorption, Horvath-Kawazoe, DFT pore size, and Dubinin.