Molecular Devices has launched its SoftMax Pro 6 GxP software for data acquisition from microplate readers.
SoftMax Pro 6 GxP Software features a “plug-in” system that allows existing databases to be integrated without the need to re-establish and revalidate the whole system.
A custom-designed validation package supports the software such as printable IQ-OQ worksheets, tests for data analysis features, instructions and ready-to-use sample data to streamline the software validation process.
The new software package also incorporates editors to enable creation of intricate protocols such as the Syntax Helper formula writing tool, and a data analysis package with over 15 curve fits that include:
- Validated Parallel Line Analysis (PLA), 4-P, 5-P logistics
- Independent plot weighting
- Confidence interval calculations
- Parameter dependencies chart
The software is aligned to FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11 guidance for electronic signature and electronic record.
Security is ensured through controlled access and automatic lockout systems, while the document-based audit trail enables easy tracking and recording of actions, and granular user permissions control.
A centralised administration system and flexible software design allows multiple administrators and remote management of user accounts, a great benefit to larger and multi-site organisations.
Password-aging, log-on failure lockout, automatic idle log out, the ability to be used off-line and guest access are additional secure, compliance features that are unique to this software.
To download the SoftMax Pro data sheet, please click on the link above.