TAP Biosystems has introduced a microplate hotel for use with its CompacT SelecT automated cell culture system.
The plate hotel is compatible with LiCONiC plate incubators and allows users to transfer entire stacks of plates between the CompacT SelecT and LiCONiC incubator based screening systems, saving time and improving the efficiency of supplying consistent quality cells to increase throughput in cell-based screening operations.
The microplate hotel, developed in conjunction with LiCONiC AG, is compatible with the STR incubator range, allowing researchers to significantly reduce plate transfer times and reduce the risks associated with manual plate relocations.
The addition of the plate hotel extends the functionality of CompacT SelecT to provide fully automated aseptic cell culture processing for a continuous supply of consistent quality cells, thereby increasing productivity in cell-based screening programmes.
Dr Dave Thomas, product manager at TAP Biosystems said: “Our integrated plate incubator on CompacT SelecT has always supported the use of the Kendro-compatible hotels and made the transfer of plates between the CompacT SelecT and Cytomat incubators a convenient process for our users.
“Recently, with the choice of cell types and assays increasing, a wider range of screening systems are being used in the screening workflow. Previously, this has meant scientists using LiCONiC incubators on their screening platforms have had to manually unload individual plates from the CompacT SelecT incubator and transfer them to their screening system.
“This operation of unloading and reloading plates can take up to an hour and there is always a risk of dropping a plate or putting it back incorrectly. With the LiCONiC-compatible plate hotels, users can now transfer entire hotels between systems in a fraction of the time thereby dramatically increasing the efficiency of the operation.”