The iron sulphite agar is designed for the detection of thermophilic anaerobes in canned foods.
The latest product in the Lab M range of dehydrated culture media for the detection of anaerobic organisms associated with sulphide spoilage in food.
Using a modification of a formulation originally developed by the National Canners Association of America, Lab M’s iron sulphite agar is able to detect those organisms associated with sulphide spoilage of low acid canned foods, such as meats, milk and vegetables.
Lab M’s agar can be used with the standard industry methodologies - Deep-Shake Culture or Attenborough and Scarr membrane filter methods and can be incubated at temperatures suitable for the detection of thermophiles or mesophiles.
The company’s range of media for the detection of sulphite-reducing anaerobic organisms also includes Differential Reinforced Clostridial Medium ISO, Perfringens Agar OPSP and Perfringens Agar TSC.