The AutoPore V Series mercury intrusion porosimeters are designed to advance performance and safety.
In addition to offering speed, accuracy, and a wide measurement range, mercury porosimetry also permits the calculation of numerous sample properties such as pore size distributions, total pore volume, total pore surface area, median pore diameter and sample densities, both bulk and skeletal.
Micromeritics’ AutoPore V Series mercury porosimeters can determine a broader pore size distribution more quickly and accurately than other methods, the company claims.
The AutoPore V is available in two models to best match the requirements of quality assurance and research labs.
The 9620 has a pore size range of 500 to 0.003 micrometres with two high-pressure (60,000 psia maximum pressure) and four low-pressure analysis ports.
The 9605 contains two high-pressure (33,000 psia maximum pressure) plus four low-pressure analysis ports measuring pore sizes from 500 down to 0.005 micrometres.
An equilibration mode is designed to deliver accurate measurements for in-depth porosity analysis.
Furthermore, a scanning mode approximates equilibrium by increasing pressure continuously for a fast analysis.
Meanwhile, the systems’ MicroActive software improves functionality, convenience, diagnostics, and data interpretation.
Features include user-defined report and report options, automatic measurement of mercury temperature for accurate density calculations under operating conditions, and enhanced penetrometer calibration.
A method wizard with an interactive step-by-step script eases method creation. A variety of available plots, post-analysis parameter change capability, and a diagnostic dashboard are also included.