Amsbio has launched RapidSeq library sample preparation kits for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) research and diagnostic work.
The RapidSeq Small RNA Sample Prep Kit is optimised for preparation of NGS libraries for subsequent cluster generation, using purified mRNA or total RNA which contains small RNA fragments as input.
The protocol includes steps for adapters ligation, reverse transcription, PCR amplification, and size selection by gel purification to generate a library product compatible with a range of commercial NGS platforms.
The kit is designed to provide strand-specific cDNA synthesis with reduced costs and increased sensitivity.
Strand-specific RNA-seq improves on standard RNA-seq in three ways: accurately identifying antisense transcripts, determining the transcribed strand of non-coding RNAs (e.g. lincRNAs), and demarcating the boundaries of closely situated or overlapping genes.
Workflow is further simplified as most components in the kit are supplied as ready-to-use master mixtures, reducing setup time and liquid handling steps.