Bio-Rad Laboratories has launched an Automated Droplet Generator for digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Combined with the QX200 Droplet Reader and a laptop computer with QuantaSoft Software, the QX200 AutoDG Droplet Digital PCR System is designed to provide a worry-free, automated way to generate droplets for high-quality data.
“With a quick setup, you’re able to walk away and return to a full plate of droplets ready for thermal cycling and analysis,” said Carolyn Reifsnyder, Bio-Rad marketing manager, Digital Biology Centre.
Generating droplets with a hand pipette can be labour intensive and time consuming. Variations in pipetting habits among different users can also cause some inconsistency in the resulting data.
The AutoDG creates droplets quickly, reproducibly and reliably. At maximum capacity, it can generate droplets for 96 wells in less than 45 minutes.
“Droplet Digital PCR is sensitive enough to detect differences in people’s pipetting habits,” said Viresh Patel, Bio-Rad senior marketing manager, Digital Biology Centre.
“This instrument eliminates that variability.”
The AutoDG Instrument has its own hood and HEPA filter, reducing contamination so researchers can create droplets on a standard laboratory bench without the need for a PCR cabinet or cleanroom.
It also features colour touch-screen interface and deck lighting that guides the operator through system setup to ensure no steps are forgotten.
Confirmation is provided once the required consumables are loaded correctly and the droplets are ready 45 minutes later.
The generator can produce droplets for fluorescent probe–based detection or EvaGreen dye–based detection. It is compatible with the QX100 and QX200 Droplet Digital PCR Systems.