Agilent improves the software for new 1100 series LC/MSD Trap mass spectrometers, and offers no-charge upgrades to existing owners of the machines
Agilent Technologies Europe has released enhanced software for Agilent 1100 series LC/MSD Trap ion trap mass spectrometers.
The software provides features such as automated data-dependent acquisition, smart parameter settings, and compound-based data mining that can be beneficial for many different applications including proteomics, drug discovery and development, and environmental analysis.
In addition to shipping with new 1100 series LC/MSD Trap VL and SL ion trap mass spectrometers, the upgrade software will be made available to current LC/MSD Trap owners at no charge.
"We greatly value our customers and want them to achieve the greatest possible benefit from our products," said Bryan Miller, software product manager for Agilent's chemical analysis group.
"We feel so strongly about the value of these enhancements that we want every LC/MSD Trap owner to have them." The enhanced LC/MS ion trap software includes a wide array of data acquisition features that can increase the amount of unique MS data acquired from each run. These features include: automated MSn - with this software, the LC/MSD Trap SL can perform multiple stages of fully automated, data-dependent MS/MS; preferred charge-state selection - on-the-fly determination of precursor charge-state allows preferential selection of doubly charged peptide ions; preferred mass list - the ability to specify a list of preferred masses improves location of target ions within complex matrices for the LC/MSD Trap SL; active exclusion - user-specified criteria for on-the-fly exclusion and re-inclusion of precursor ions can increase the amount of unique data acquired; smart parameter settings - this 'smart' mode provides automatic, on-the-fly optimisation of ion trap parameters for precursor ions.
The enhanced LC/MS ion trap software also contains powerful tools for turning raw data into useful information.
The new Find Compounds functions provide compound-based data mining and data browsing for complex LC/MSn experiments.
Find Compounds will: locate all unique MSn experiments; generate compound entries and MS2 total ion chromatograms for each unique MS precursor ion; and extract, average, and hierarchically organise all related MS and MSn spectra by compound entry.
Functions are also available to automatically generate averaged mass spectra for all integrated chromatographic peaks in MS-only or manual MSn experiments. Results can be reviewed, printed, and saved for archiving or further processing.
The Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD Trap software is expected to be available beginning in January 2002.
It will be supplied with new Agilent 1100 Series LC/MSD Trap VL and SL ion trap mass spectrometers.
Upgrade software will be made available at no charge to all current LC/MSD Trap owners.