Offers a viscosity range from 5 to 1000 Poise, lower shear rates from 10sec-1 to 13,000sec-1, and an expanded temperature range from 5C to 235C
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories recently introduced the new and improved Cap 2000+ viscometer, a flexible R and D instrument with excellent QC performance testing capabilities.
The New Cap 2000+ viscometer offers a viscosity range from 5 to 1000 Poise, lower shear rates from 10sec-1 to 13,000sec-1, and an expanded temperature range from 5C to 235C.
The redesigned Cap 2000+ also features a simpler, user-friendly interface and a space saving smaller footprint.
The open access configuration makes sample prep and clean up simple and quick.
The Cap 2000+ can operate in stand-alone mode or under PC control.
With Brookfield's CapCalc software, the Cap 2000+ viscometer provides detailed sample analysis with data in both tabular and graphical format. The Cap 2000+ is ideal for typical cone and plate applications including paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, polymers and resins.
For example, it meets ASTM D4287, ISO 2884 and BS 3900 industry standards, which require high shear rate testing to simulate brushing or roller action.
The Cap 2000+ is a valuable addition to the Brookfield family of viscometers and rheometers which are accepted around the world as the standard by which viscosity is measured.