Quick Connect coupling allows the operator to quickly attach or remove spindles from Brookfield viscometers and rheometers
Brookfield Engineering offers two choices for Quick Connect spindle coupling accessories.
The benefits of Quick Connect coupling accessories are many, says Brookfield.
They save time when switching spindles, they eliminate cross threading and they are easy to use.
Quick Connect accessories are constructed of stainless steel and are compatible with LV, RV, HA, and HB disk spindles.
Also offered are convenient Quick Connect kits for LV (four spindles) and RV/HA/HB (six spindles).
Kits include a special guard leg where appropriate.
Type D extensions (used with or without an extension link) provide an alternative quick connect method.
They are primarily used for applications where the depth of a spindle immersion can be observed.
Extension links are available from app 25mm to 300mm.