Said to be ideal for the measurement of paints, coatings, inks, pastes and adhesives, it features switchable Krebs units, centipoise, or grams, and compatible with ASTM D562
Brookfield Engineering recently announced the introduction of the new KU-2 Krebs viscometer with centipoises read-out capability. The KU-2 continues the tradition of the KU-1+ viscometer which provides quick and rapid readout in Krebs units and grams.
The KU-2 is said to be ideal for the measurement of paints, coatings, inks, pastes and adhesives.
The KU-2 features switchable Krebs units, centipoise, or grams, and is compatible with ASTM D562. Brookfield 's KU-2 viscometer provides continuous sensing and display, has a resolution to within 0.1KU or 1 gram and an accuracy within +/-1% of range.
The KU-2 comes complete with Krebs type spindle, communication port for printer and adapter for quart, pint and half-pint cans.
Optional accessories include air purge and paste spindle.