Surface modified slides are manufactured in a class 100 clean room and have been tested to ensure both a uniform surface coating and a consistent contact angle
Bioslide Technologies introduces the Precision CT-Amine, Precision CT-Clean and Precision CT-Aldehyde slides for microarraying.
Bioslide Technologies surface modified slides are manufactured in a class 100 clean room and have been tested to ensure both a uniform surface coating and a consistent contact angle.
The nearly particle-free environment ensures the quality of surface treatments, which optimise the volume transfer, uniform spot morphology, and consistent performance of every pre-coated slide.
Applications include the identification of complex genetic diseases, drug discovery and toxicology studies, mutation/polymorphism detection (SNPs), pathogen analysis, and advanced genetic studies of the human genome.
Potential impacts include preventative medicine, ability to subtype disease and design drugs that treat disease causes rather than symptoms, specific genotype (population) targeted drugs, more targeted drug treatments-Aids, expression analysis of the entire human genome in a single reaction, and access to key areas of human health, including aging and mental illness.