New features include the ability to digitise lines which 'go round in circles', ie, the line follower can now go back as well as forward in the X-dimension
Biosoft has released a new version of its popular software program UnGraph - the digitiser program that gives X,Y co-ordinates of lines or points on scanned images.
New features in version 5.0 include the ability to digitise lines which 'go round in circles', ie, the line follower can now go back as well as forward in the X-dimension.
View and export the coordinates of every pixel which the line-follower passes through, as well as spline-fitted data.
Digitise corners and sharp turns better with the improved line-follower algorithms. Undo and redo any operation.
Digitize colour images.
Create, digitise, and manage as many data sets as you like.
Export data in many formats, now including Excel.
New user interface with optional on-screen guide.
A free demo version and full details of the program can be downloaded.