Environmental Science has launched version 2.02 of its ChemHelp software, including updates to both the data and the program. A free demonstration can be downloaded
Changes to the current version of ChemHelp data includes the addition of 106 new substances as listed in CHIP 2000, additional toxicological and ecological data tabs located in the properties section, a re-vamped help file and an 'on-EH40' record indicator on the main window.
This latter device indicates whether the current record has had assigned to it, either a Maximum Exposure Limit (MEL) or Occupational Exposure Standard (OES) from the current EH40 lists.
The new and revised flags are ChemHelp specific and they indicate that new data has been added and/or a revision has been made to the ChemHelp database.
The EH40/2001 has introduced the new European Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Value (IOELV).
A corresponding flag has been added to ChemHelp and initial data assigned which means that ChemHelp database is up-to-date with CHIP 2000, EH40/2001 and EH40/2002.
A number of other changes to the program have also been made.
On the CHIP label tab in the hazards section, the risk and safety phrases have been coloured red and green respectively.
The button, which was called 'Syno' that opened an expanded name view for synonyms, has now been renamed 'More'. This function has been enhanced to cater for the new very long names on the current Approved Supply List which are "mixtures of ..." and in preparation for CHIP 3 which is due to come into effect in 2002.