New waterproof portable colorimeters feature excellent repeatability, USEPA-approved DPD method for chlorine measurements using only one-vial-one-sachet per test
Eutech Instruments has released a new meter for the measurement of free chlorine, total chlorine, cyanuric acid and pH.
This line of well-priced laboratory-grade microprocessor-based colorimeters is designed to deliver quick, accurate results with excellent repeatability.
Five models combining different test parameters are available for selection.
C401 measures free chlorine, total chlorine, cyanuric acid and pH.
C301 is for the measurement of free chlorine, total chlorine and pH.
C201 provides free chlorine and total chlorine measurements.
C102 reads only cyanuric acid, and C101 measures only the pH.
With these five different choices available, professionals in various industries ranging from swimming pools, spas, drinking water, public utilities to treated water and wastewater can look forward to easier measurements. Responding to customers' needs, these new portable colorimeters are designed for reliable, convenient and easy operation in the field.
Conveniently packed custom-formulated high quality reagents provide accurate, repeatable and stable readings.
Unlike other similar products, the Eutech Colorimeter has auto-ranging capabilities, uses only one-vial-one-sachet per test, saving time and reagents, has no detachable parts and does not require a light shield.
In addition, the meter allows one-time blanking for all parameters and ranges when measuring the same sample.
Moreover, the blanking value is stored in memory and used for subsequent measurements even if the meter is switched off, or the batteries are replaced.
Chlorine measurements are based on the USEPA-approved DPD method equivalent to USEPA method 330.5 for wastewater and Standard Method 4500-Cl G for drinking water.
Calibration is not necessary for chlorine and cyanuric acid measurements.
The meter is capable of measuring more than three thousand tests on a single set of four AAA alkaline batteries and conserves battery life by activating the auto power-off feature after ten minutes of non-use.
Other features like IP67-rated waterproof housing and a large format customised LCD displaying mode indicators to guide meter use makes the meter user-friendly.
At a relatively light weight of 200g, the meter floats if accidentally dropped into water.
For greater portability, the meter is supplied with the necessary reagents and sample vials in a rugged carry case. Furthermore, no maintenance of the meter is required.
The meter also carries a two-year warranty against manufacturing defects.