Purified DNA from clotted blood is said to be easy to achieve using this quick protocol, involving little more than centrifuging
Clotspin enables the user to obtain a yield of 5-20µg DNA/ml clot using a very quick and easy protocol.
Clotspin is unique and unlike any other product on the market.
Just add a clotted blood sample to the Clotspin disposable basket and centrifuge.
Simply discard the basket and proceed with a modified Puregene protocol for purification.
Clotspin, manufactured by Gentra Systems and distributed by Flowgen saves time and money.
There is no need to cut and form mesh.
Clotspin is very efficient and increases productivity, which directly translates to greater savings compared to other mesh protocols or other methods using excess Proteinase K.
Also, shorter Proteinase K digests are necessary since the clot is broken up into smaller pieces, saving even more time.
The Puregene kit enables recoveries of high quality DNA to at least 100kb in size (absorbency ratio of 1.7 to 2.0), consistently high yields of up to 140µg of DNA from a 5-7ml clot are achievable.
Puregene effectively removes PCR inhibitors and other contaminants making the DNA suitable for a wide variety of down stream applications, including Southern blotting and PCR. All reagents (except alcohol) are provided at the correct dilution and the manipulation steps are minimised and there is no requirement for columns or glass beads and no phenol or chloroform is necessary.
A variety of isolation protocols and technical reports offering hints and tips plus additional information are available free from Flowgen.