Spin-out from Axaron provides the life sciences industry with access to powerful analytical methods to help develop superior products
Beginning in July 2004, Gentana will start to support product development within the agrochemical, seeds, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, food and feed industries.
Gentana develops functional genomics technologies and translates them into customer oriented, problem solving solutions.
With the help of these powerful analytical methods, it says companies can develop superior products while shortening their product development times.
Gentana specialises in the analysis of biological processes at the molecular level through monitoring the activity of all genes within an organism.
Through comprehensive analysis of gene activity, key information about economical important features, eg, nutritional value, quality and productivity, are obtained, so offering efficient strategies for the development of innovative products.
To understand biological processes at the molecular level is the critical success factor for research and development programs aimed at interfering with, or optimising biological processes such as disease and resistance against pathogens or stress.
Therefore, especially companies in the agrochemical, seeds, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, food and feed industries will benefit from Gentana's offerings.