Ultra-smooth, high-speed performance combined with nanometer-precision linear motion is provided by the new compact, single-axis, linear air bearing stage from Heason Technologies
Ideal for constant velocity applications, the new Neat AirBeam air bearing linear motor stage comprises a high-speed linear servo motor and an air bearing way integrated within a single structural beam.
Performance capabilities include speeds up to 1m/sec and accelerations of 1g over standard travels of 15mm up to 2m.
Angular jitter is quoted as <0.1 arc-sec/5mm with global pitch and yaw <15 arc-sec/metre, while linear deviation +/- 150nm over a five second sample.
This exceptionally smooth travel and precise velocity control results from a combination of ultra-smooth, encoder-based, sinusoidal commutation that gives cog-free motion, plus the virtually friction-free motion provided by the latest air bearing technology.
In addition, because the air bearings all but eliminate wear, stage life is almost unlimited.
Position feedback is provided by a non-contact linear encoder with a 0.1 micron resolution that is mounted immediately below the structural beam's upper face to minimise Abbé error.