Innovative small footprint CO2 incubators are now available with a comprehensive range of features and options including high temperature decontamination and oxygen control
The small footprint MiniGalaxys provide personal incubation space for the maintenance of sensitive cell and tissue cultures, thus eliminating the risks of contamination associated with communal CO2 incubators.
The unique single door system is heated and double-glazed, allowing observation of cultures without disruption of temperature, CO2, and humidity levels, while the single opening ensures safety and efficiency.
The Mini A model is available with a wide range of options including high temperature decontamination and various degrees of oxygen control.
The intelligent datalogging system records temperature and CO2 readings and displays the information in an intuitive graphical user format for on-screen review for up to three days, or downloading on a continuous basis.
This sophistication of data capture offers extra control to management, and can minimise the cost of after sales support.
Fully automatic CO2 auto-zeroing references the infra-red sensor to atmosphere at programmed intervals, keeping user intervention and contamination risks to an absolute minimum.
A comprehensive on-screen Help file largely replaces the conventional user manual and guides users through set-up and control of chamber conditions, and acts as a constantly available reference.
Further reducing contamination risks, MiniGalaxy incubators have been designed to operate without a fan and air movement in the chamber is by thermodynamic convection only.
The new two-piece shelf rack system can be completely removed and the whole cleaning procedure can be easily performed in a matter of minutes, including the stainless steel seam-free inner chamber.