Self-powered temperature and humidity logger provides 'plug and play' ease of use for applications including pharmaceutical and laboratory monitoring, and process verification
Data logging specialist Signatrol is introducing its low cost SL100TH indoor air quality data logger.
This robust, self-powered unit, which measures and records both temperature and humidity, is designed for applications including building comfort monitoring, HVAC system testing and balancing, energy management, pharmaceutical and laboratory monitoring, food process verification and transportation.
The SL100TH is suitable for recording temperatures from -40C to +70C and relative humidity from 0-100%.
The robust, yet compact, unit has a long life five-year internal battery and can store up to 32,000 combined readings with sample rates programmable from eight seconds up to 34 minutes.
The range of sampling methods includes 'first in-first out', 'stop when full', 'spot and average' sampling and 'delayed start', giving the user excellent operational flexibility.
The magnetic backing makes installation very straightforward.
For set-up and data down load, the SL100TH is plugged directly into the serial port on a PC or laptop via the 'D' type connector and comes complete with DB9 extension cable and TrendReader software.
This is compatible with all current versions of Windows and enables data to be reviewed and stored while easy to read charts and comprehensive reports can be generated.
The SL100TH can be supplied with a factory calibration certificate, traceable to national standards.