Compact, easy-to-use analysers for non-destructive analysis simultaneously measure up to six elements per sample calibration
Spectro Analytical Instruments has introduced the latest models in its 200T series of compact, general-purpose analysers. Featuring exceptionally easy operation and the latest ergonomic design standards, the 200T series XRF spectrometers are used for both qualitative and quantitative non-destructive analysis of liquids, solids, powders, pastes, slurries, films, coatings, and many other materials.
Despite their compact size and low price, 200T series analysers offer both precision and high reliability, even when operated by non-technical staff with no special training.
To start the measurement, the operator simply presses the Analyse key.
The unit's menu-oriented software automatically runs the measurement and initiates a printout of the results on the built-in printer.
Sample preparation time is negligible, and the results are available within seconds.
For easy transportability, the 200T series can be optionally powered by a power inverter.
In addition, they are configured with the optimal x-ray tube and proportional counter to ensure the best performance possible for the price.
Other features include: optional tunable technology to permit optimum excitation of selected elements, automatic stabilisation to eliminate drift and ensure smooth operation, standardisation feature to reduce calibration frequency, data logging and networking software, optional sample spinner for analysing non-homogeneous samples, optional helium purge for optimum light element performance, models for petroleum analysis, sulfur analysis, wood preservation, etc.