System can deliver up to 200 litres of air per second, creating precise micro-climates for critical manufacturing or testing processes, like pharmaceutical or medical device production
The Micro-Environment Control System (Mecs) from JS Humidifiers, which supplies air at any temperature or humidity between 15-45C (+/-0.1C) and 30-98%rH (+/-1%rH), is now available with an on-board computer.
Mecs can deliver up to 200 litres of air per second, creating precise micro-climates for critical manufacturing or testing processes, like pharmaceutical or medical device production, and is especially suited to glove boxes, isolators and hoods.
The onboard computer displays historic and real-time statistics on the output of the mobile air handling system and enables the user to adjust the temperature and humidity with accurate outputs to +/-0.1C and +/-1%rH within minutes.
The system will then hold these levels consistently across any time period.
This level of precise control makes this system unique, says the company.
Previously the closest humidity control that could have been consistently achieved across this timeframe was around +/-5%rH, it says.
By being able to control the environment to such consistently tight conditions many production processes have now been able to reduce product wastage and increase yields.
The Mecs is totally self-contained and on wheels so is easily moved around, even through single doorways.
The unit also has a modem to enable remote performance monitoring and fault diagnosis by a JS Humidifiers engineer without a visit to the site, avoiding lengthy downtime and expensive call-outs.
The humidity control in the Mecs is provided by a Neptronic SKE resistive steam humidifier.
This unit incorporates two features that enable it to give precise humidity control.
Its elements are made of a self-cleaning Incoloy 825 alloy and are much thicker than competitors' elements, says JS.
This difference in size allows the elements to boil the water with a low surface temperature across the elements, thus attracting less scale, while the Incoloy alloy surface repels what scale does build up.
Second, a patented Afec system - anti-foaming energy conservation feature provides exact water level management with the use of a solid state water level sensor.
These two features provide the internal conditions necessary within the boiling chamber to give extremely precise steam output and therefore consistent humidity control.
JS Humidifiers describes itself as the UK's largest humidification company with the widest range of products and offers a service of advice, design, supply, installation and maintenance.
The company also offers a comprehensive range of humidifier spares, not only for JS equipment but also for a large range of different manufacturers' humidifiers, mostly available ex-stock.