Zwick Roell
Zwick Roell
August Nagel Str 11
D-89079 Ulm
August Nagel Str 11
D-89079 Ulm
Latest Articles

Testing machines help produce safer landing gear
Zwick Roell | Added: 2 Aug 2011
Kappa 50 LA creep testing machines

Zwick machine used to test automotive materials
Zwick Roell | Added: 8 Jun 2011
Sheet-metal testing machine

Zwick Roell - latest company news
Zwick Roell | Added: 6 Jul 2010
6 July 2010 - The 2010 Zwick Roell Science Awards will be presented during the Zwick University Day…

Zwick releases the robust Lightxtens extensometer
Zwick Roell | Added: 10 Dec 2009
Lightxtens extensometer

Zwick plastometer keeps weights under control
Zwick Roell | Added: 3 Dec 2009
Mflow extrusion plastometer

Zwick introduces Aflow extrusion plastometer
Zwick Roell | Added: 1 Dec 2009
Aflow extrusion plastometer