Latest Case Studies
NSF study utilises LECO technology
Leco Instruments UK | Added: 31 Jul 2013
LECO GCxGC technology was used in an NSF study to identify Deepwater Horizon wreckage as the source…

Bruker improves analysis of alternative biofuels
Bruker Daltonik GmbH | Added: 29 Aug 2012
Technology from Bruker CAM has allowed Energia Technologies to address the emerging need for altern…

Dow Corning adds multi-detection GPC system
Malvern Instruments | Added: 24 Jan 2012
Gel permeation chromatography unit from Malvern

Agilent CGH microarray maps Korean genome
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 17 Jul 2009
Agilent Technologies has announced that scientists using an Agilent custom-designed comparative gen…

Agilent provides grant for university cancer study
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 23 Mar 2009
Agilent Technologies has provided a grant of instruments and funding in support of prostate cancer …

Microarrays for human genome variation study
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 6 Aug 2008
The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) will standardise the world's largest human genom…

Elemental bio-imaging facility for Sydney
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 14 Jul 2008
Agilent Technologies and University of Technology Sydney have teamed up to establish a unique resea…

Structural variation of eight human genomes
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 20 May 2008
New insight gained into processes shaping the human genome by researchers using a clone-based metho…

Fighting dope at Beijing Olympics
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 11 Mar 2008
Agilent Technologies has hosted the first of three leadership delegations from China's Anti-Doping …

Atomic force 'scopes support nanotech curriculum
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 5 Feb 2008
The University of Northern Iowa has purchased an Agilent 5500 atomic force microscope (AFM) for ele…

Autism has relationship to extra or missing genes
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 18 Jan 2008
Study establishing a relationship between autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and extra or missing gene…

Library standardises on Agilent barcode technology
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 15 Nov 2007
The use of the barcode arrays makes it possible, for the first time, for complex shRNA libraries li…

HPLC/Chip MS used to develop protein database
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 2 Aug 2007
Database developed using Agilent Technologies's HPLC-Chip/mass spectrometry (MS) system will aid re…

Agilent names LC/MS system sweepstakes winner
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 3 Oct 2006
Michael Flournoy of Severn Trent Laboratories (STL) is the grand prize winner of Agilent's Lab Make…

Tour de France gears up for drugs test challenges
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 24 Jun 2005
As each stage finishes, samples taken from between six and eight riders will be helicoptered back t…

Big order for chemical-terrorism response
Agilent Technologies Europe | Added: 4 Apr 2005
More than US$4 million in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) equipment and services as pa…

Verifying IndyCar fuel and oil
Perkinelmer LAS | Added: 10 Jun 2004
"High performance, high technology Indy cars are precision machines that depend on precisely formul…

Specialist medical lab chooses GC
Cambridge Scientific Instruments | Added: 15 Oct 2003
The small footprint of the CSI 200 series GC was the first thing to attract Biolab's attention when…