Latest Technical Article

CLC workbench for de novo assembly of e coli data
CLC Bio | Added: 12 May 2011
Dr Nick Loman from the University of Birmingham has looked at de novo assembly of e coli data from …

Improved data visualisation aids genetic research
Qlucore | Added: 23 Feb 2011
With such vast amounts of data to consider, it can be difficult for scientists to understand the tr…

Advanced data analysis using visualisation
Qlucore | Added: 16 Feb 2011
Qlucore explains how advanced data analysis using visualisation works.

World's fastest Next Gen sequencing algorithm
CLC Bio | Added: 24 Jul 2008
CLC bio has just released a scientific white paper which confirms, that, in benchmarking tests, its…

Data analysis for next generation sequencing
CLC Bio | Added: 13 Jun 2008
CLC Bio has released CLC Genomics Workbench, which incorporates cutting-edge technology and algorit…

Gene expression to developing the super-potato
CLC Bio | Added: 11 Apr 2008
Super-crop project will make use of Next Generation sequencing and digital gene expression - also k…

Next generation sequencing network established
CLC Bio | Added: 18 Jan 2008
CLC bio and several prominent Danish research institutions have established Seqnet - a national net…

Creating a South American biological database
CLC Bio | Added: 28 Jun 2007
PGSL project will harvest and preserve nucleotide sequence data from the vast biodiversity of the c…

Research project tackles RNA-based diseases
CLC Bio | Added: 30 Apr 2007
The project aims to develop bioinformatics algorithms to make research into RNA-based diseases like…

Deeper understanding in Alzheimer's research
Advanced Chemistry Development | Added: 13 Mar 2007
ACD/Labs collaborates with leading Alzheimer's research scientist Gilbert Rishton to evaluate CNS d…

Major gaps in management of digital assets
Tessella Support Services | Added: 7 Mar 2006
A 'state of the nation' report has revealed that less than 20% of UK organisations surveyed have a …

Reactive Reports celebrates 50th issue
Advanced Chemistry Development | Added: 5 Dec 2005
Reactive Reports, the chemistry webzine from science writer David Bradley and software company ACD/…

PhysChem symposium opens frank discussions
Advanced Chemistry Development | Added: 6 Jun 2005
One day symposium was aimed at providing mechanistic insight into the relationship between physical…

Generic methods for HTP
Advanced Chemistry Development | Added: 25 Jun 2004
ACD/Labs and Supelco join forces to design generic chromatographic methods for the walk-up and high…