Tecan's four new software packages, Freedom Evoware sample tracking, Freedom Evoware 1.2, i-control and Magellan 6.0, work together for seamless integration of Tecan platforms.
Freedom Evoware sample tracking software integrates data from Freedom Evoware 1.2 and Magellan 6.0 for easy combination of plate readers and pipetting platforms.
Sample Tracking software can register scanned labware; integrate and process all pipetting data, methodological data and plate reader data; store the results and then generate and export reports; and is compatible with an extensive range of Tecan products.
I-control software controls the Infinite series of readers and has the same look and feel as Freedom Evoware 1.2.
The two software packages integrate seamlessly with each other, with i-control taking over from Freedom Evoware once the microplate is transferred to the Infinite reader.