Handheld flow booster allows pressurisation of individual filtration or SPE columns/cartridges to increase flow rates and speed work-up
Radleys Discovery Technologies (RDT) has announced the innovative SpeediFlow handheld flow booster - described as a unique device that allows pressurisation of individual filtration or SPE columns/cartridges to increase flow rates and speed your work-up. Available with a wide range of optional adapters the SpeediFlow can be used with all standard plastic column sizes including 15ml, 25ml, 70ml and 150ml plus the Whatman AutoCup.
The SpeediFlow is designed to be handheld for easy insertion into columns, but has a locking device to enable unsupported gas tight operation.
The SpeediFlow features a safety relief valve that vents at 6-8 psi, eliminating the chance of accidental over-pressurisation of the column.
The SpeediFlow is also fully compatible with the RDT Carousel Work-Up Station - a system that accepts up to 12x70ml columns for parallel or sequential work-up of filtration, phase separation, liquid/liquid extraction and SPE samples.