NMath Core contains vector classes, matrix classes, complex number classes, random number generators, and other high-performance functions for object-oriented numerics
CenterSpace Software has announced the release of NMath Core.
NMath Core is a .net class library that provides the basic building blocks for numerical applications on the .net platform.
NMath Core provides a modern, easy to use, object-oriented interface, including a very rich set of matrix and vector manipulation semantics.
Fully compliant with the Microsoft Common Language Specification, all NMath Core routines are callable from any .net language, including C# and Visual Basic.NET.
"For most computations, NMath Core uses machine-specific, highly-optimized versions of the C and FORTRAN public domain computing packages known as the Blas and Lapack," commented Steve Sneller, chief scientist.
"This gives NMath Core classes performance levels comparable to C, and often results in performance an order of magnitude faster than non-platform-optimized implementations".
The release version of NMath Core has successfully evolved by incorporating developer input received since its beta launch in February 2003.
A free 30-day evaluation version is available for download from the CenterSpace website, along with complete user documentation, performance benchmarks, a whitepaper, and code examples.