Priorclave has won a contract for shipment to the USA of nine research grade autoclaves - destined for the campus of California State University, Fullerton.
To manage the safe and efficient disposal of waste and sterilisation of glassware from the University’s research and academic programs, Fullerton's Department of Biological Science and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry needed energy efficient research grade autoclaves. Rightsizing products for the tasks and facilities was vital as this can result in tremendous energy and water consumption savings, while reducing operation and maintenance costs.
Working closely with Priorclave North America to identify best autoclave options Fullerton placed an order for three 150 litre, one 200 litre and five 320 litre machines. The front-loading machines are electrically heated, providing the university with energy efficient research grade autoclaves for sterilising various waste including media and glassware. The autoclaves are suitable for when there is an infrequent (up to five) sterilising cycles per day, using only power and water when required.