SICCO offer desiccators and glove boxes for a wide range of uses in a variety of laboratory and industrial situations.
Labtex are suppliers of leading laboratory products including Bohlender’s SICCO brand of desiccators and glove boxes.
SICCO desiccators and glove boxes are used in many different industrial and laboratory sectors and are the result of 30 years experience in delivering safe storage systems for sensitive items and materials.
SICCO products offer both flexibility and functionality in a range of different sizes. SICCO standard desiccators are designed for storing or drying humidity sensitive products through the use of silica gel. They are equipped with tight-fitting doors that protect the contents from atmospheric contamination, to create a dust and humidity-free environment inside the desiccators, ideal for storing a wide range of materials.
SICCO desiccators are also available for specific tasks, including ‘gas filling’ versions for the safe and secure storage of poisonous chemicals. Rare or inert gases like nitrogen, which do not react with the desiccator contents, can be introduced as soon as the desiccator door is closed.
Automatic-desiccators, with automated drying, can maintain a constant humidity of between 20% and 30%. These are ideal for long-term storage where even frequent opening of the door is automatically compensated for; the ideal solution for storing reference samples, photo equipment, and valuable cultural assets.
When sensitive electronic components need to be protected against static as well as environmental contamination SICCO antistatic-desiccators can protect against humidity and airborne particulates in an antistatic atmosphere.
Electrostatic charges are discharged by a grounding cable to produce a neutral internal atmosphere. If a substance needs to be dried and/or maintained in an O2/CO2-free environment SICCO vacuum-desiccators are the ideal choice, particularly suitable for storage of semiconductor samples.
SICCO thermo-desiccators produce a temperature- controlled environment with air circulation that is perfect for controlled warming of samples or for temporary storage at a constant temperature.
SICCO Glove Boxes provide a safe environment for working with contaminated and sensitive compounds and have natural rubber gloves to provide the necessary mobility for safe handling. A transfer chamber permits easy loading and connectors for gas filling allow inert gas flushing of the workspace as well as the transfer chamber.
SICCO desiccators and glove boxes feature robust construction, appealing design, and sophisticated functionality to set the standard for these laboratory essentials.
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