Following its hugely successful stand at Lab Innovations in 2019, Spectronic CamSpec will be returning on November 3 and 4 this year to showcase its latest product range.
On show at Stand E92 will be the company’s flagship product line of CamSpec spectrophotometers, alongside BWB Technologies’ digital flame photometers, for which Spectronic CamSpec are the exclusive UK distributors.
The team will be headed by Managing Director Mark Brereton, supported by knowledgeable Hozan Edwards of BWB Technologies. They will be on hand to answer any sales or technical questions, as well as providing an insight into the lab solutions available from the company. There will also be the opportunity to stock up on goodies such as pens, keyrings, and the popular squeezy test tube toy – as well as to enter a competition, for the chance to win a £200 amazon gift voucher.
Products on show will include the CamSpec line of spectrophotometers and accessories – from the student friendly M108, to the advanced, 6 mode M550 – which are suitable for for research, development and quality control in a vast array of industries.
BWB flame photometer boasts high accuracy, low cost and ease of use – making it a genuine alternative to AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry) and ICP (induced coupling plasma) for measuring Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium & Barium.
For more information go to www.spectronic-camspec.co.uk