Mast offers the GenoType MRSA molecular test system from Hain Life Sciences as a rapid, cost effective kit for the identification of multi-resistant and PVL toxin producing staphylococci
The GenoType MRSA molecular test system from Hain Life Sciences utilises gene specific probe sequences to identify and differentiate between S aureus and S epidermidis species, ensuring improved specificity and sensitivity.
In addition, the strips incorporate separate probes for both mecA and PVL, permitting simultaneous detection of both the relevant antibiotic resistance and toxin producing genes.
The use of DNA Strip technology provides an easy to interpret test, with results being generated as a simple banding pattern on an individual membrane strip.
Employment of molecular methods results in diagnosis being made up to 24 hours sooner than with the use of conventional methods.
The presence of integrated controls within each strip gives the user confidence in reporting the presence or absence of resistant organisms from a patient specimen.
No elaborate equipment is required, and the test can easily be incorporated into a routine diagnostic laboratory.
The kit is available in either a 12 test or 96 test format, with an automation option for high throughput users.