A technical poster from Activotec describes a novel all-solid phase approach for synthesising cyclic peptide chitinase inhibitors as potential new leads for antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs
Based upon work by UK researchers from the department of pharmacy and pharmacology, University of Bath and the college of life sciences, University of Dundee, this technical poster describes how the entirely on-resin synthesis on the Activo-P11 peptide synthesiser delivers significant improvements in speed and efficiency over traditional approaches.
The Activo-P11 peptide synthesiser is an easy to use and affordable instrument for synthesis of very high quality peptides.
The fully automated and enclosed system performs a wide range of chemistries to synthesise peptides of any length in the 0.1-1.0 mmol scale.
Combined with very easy-to-use software, designed by chemists for chemists, the Activo-P11 was one of the most visited attractions at the exhibition accompanying the symposium.
Activotec is a peptide synthesis company providing innovative custom peptide synthesis services, peptide synthesisers and chemicals for chemical research and development.
Founded in 2002 as a spin out from the University of Southampton, Activotec offers scientists around the world a single point of expertise and assistance in their research, design and manufacture of new, innovative and practical peptides.
For further information on the Activo-P11 peptide synthesiser or a copy of the technical poster please contact Activotec (links provided).